Have you spoken to a call center representative in the last 90 days?
How would you rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5?
Have you attempted to contact Medfinancial using other methods (such as email, fax or mail) in the last 90 days?
How would you rate your experience on a scale of 1 to 5?
Have you utilized the automated telephone menu, or interactive voice response (IVR), in the last 90 days?
Do you receive emails from Medfinancial?
How would you rate your experience with the emails?
Do you visit Medfinancial.com?
How would you rate your experience with the website?
How would you rate the following modes of communication from Medfinancial?
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Medfinancial on a scale of 1 to 5?
Additional comments?
If you wish to be contacted regarding your feedback, please provide your email address here: